Monthly Archives: marzo 2018

15 03, 2018

Cybersecurity startup Penten scores AU$1.3m from Defence for cryptography | ZDNet


Cybersecurity startup Penten scores AU$1.3m from Defence for cryptography | ZDNet Cybersecurity startup Penten scores AU$1.3m from Defence for cryptography | ZDNet The million-dollar contract is for the development of [...]

Cybersecurity startup Penten scores AU$1.3m from Defence for cryptography | ZDNet 2018-03-15T07:26:45+00:00
15 03, 2018

US senator grills CEO over the myth of the hacker-proof voting machine


US senator grills CEO over the myth of the hacker-proof voting machine US senator grills CEO over the myth of the hacker-proof voting machine Nation’s biggest voting machine maker reportedly [...]

US senator grills CEO over the myth of the hacker-proof voting machine 2018-03-15T07:04:00+00:00
9 03, 2018

Cryptography Experts Repudiate FBI Director Chris Wray’s Call for Backdoor Encryption Access – The Mac Observer


Cryptography Experts Repudiate FBI Director Chris Wray's Call for Backdoor Encryption Access - The Mac Observer Cryptography Experts Repudiate FBI Director Chris Wray's Call for Backdoor Encryption Access - The [...]

Cryptography Experts Repudiate FBI Director Chris Wray’s Call for Backdoor Encryption Access – The Mac Observer 2018-03-09T06:08:43+00:00
8 03, 2018

​The spy on the corner of your desk: Why the smart office is your next security nightmare | ZDNet


​The spy on the corner of your desk: Why the smart office is your next security nightmare | ZDNet ​The spy on the corner of your desk: Why the smart [...]

​The spy on the corner of your desk: Why the smart office is your next security nightmare | ZDNet 2018-03-08T11:54:41+00:00