Monthly Archives: octubre 2018

25 10, 2018

Crypto Quantique unveils its ‘quantum driven secure chip’ for IoT devices


Crypto Quantique unveils its ‘quantum driven secure chip’ for IoT devices Crypto Quantique unveils its ‘quantum driven secure chip’ for IoT devices With Gartner estimating that there will be 150 [...]

Crypto Quantique unveils its ‘quantum driven secure chip’ for IoT devices 2018-10-25T06:57:30+00:00
25 10, 2018

IBM finally proves that quantum systems are faster than classicals


IBM finally proves that quantum systems are faster than classicals IBM finally proves that quantum systems are faster than classicals IBM researchers provide mathematical proof to Shor's Algorithm Source:

IBM finally proves that quantum systems are faster than classicals 2018-10-25T06:54:00+00:00
15 10, 2018

Christian Slater Shows You Why Printers Are The Weakest Link In Cyber Security


Christian Slater Shows You Why Printers Are The Weakest Link In Cyber Security Christian Slater Shows You Why Printers Are The Weakest Link In Cyber Security Christian Slater and Jonathan [...]

Christian Slater Shows You Why Printers Are The Weakest Link In Cyber Security 2018-10-15T10:29:03+00:00
15 10, 2018

Who needs custom malware? ‘Govt-backed’ Gallmaker spy crew uses off-the-shelf wares


Who needs custom malware? 'Govt-backed' Gallmaker spy crew uses off-the-shelf wares Who needs custom malware? 'Govt-backed' Gallmaker spy crew uses off-the-shelf wares Likely state hackers make do with 'living off [...]

Who needs custom malware? ‘Govt-backed’ Gallmaker spy crew uses off-the-shelf wares 2018-10-15T10:22:15+00:00
15 10, 2018

Google to finally shut down Google Plus as massive security breach revealed


Google to finally shut down Google Plus as massive security breach revealed Google to finally shut down Google Plus as massive security breach revealed Google's social network, Google Plus, is [...]

Google to finally shut down Google Plus as massive security breach revealed 2018-10-15T10:19:24+00:00
15 10, 2018

BlackBerry races ahead of security curve with quantum-resistant solution


BlackBerry races ahead of security curve with quantum-resistant solution BlackBerry races ahead of security curve with quantum-resistant solution The downside of these powerful machines is that they could be strong [...]

BlackBerry races ahead of security curve with quantum-resistant solution 2018-10-15T10:13:48+00:00
15 10, 2018

Boffin: Dump hardware number generators for encryption and instead look within


Boffin: Dump hardware number generators for encryption and instead look within Boffin: Dump hardware number generators for encryption and instead look within Chip timing could be as effective and harder [...]

Boffin: Dump hardware number generators for encryption and instead look within 2018-10-15T10:08:58+00:00